Learn about the graduating class of 2020 from Battle High School

Rachel Alvarez is the daughter of David and Fran Alvarez. Rachel is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall. During her time at BHS, Rachel played soccer and was the only female sousaphone player for the marching band. Looking back on her high school years, Rachel is most proud of the friendships she made, and she will miss those friends and her teachers the most. Rachel encourages the Class of 2021 to never take anything for granted. Congratulations, Rachel!

Kaitlyn Bailey is the daughter of Ken and Lisa Bailey. Kaitlyn is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall where she will double major in Broadcast Journalism and Political Science. After college, Kaitlyn hopes to pursue broadcast journalism and cover politics in Washington D.C. or New York. She wants to support student journalism programs across the country, advocating for the First Amendment and freedom of the press. During her time at BHS, Kaitlyn served as the Editor-In-Chief of the school yearbook and newspaper and worked at a local news station through her experiences in the Columbia Area Career Center, and she also won several awards through different journalism competitions in broadcast, yearbook, and newspaper. Looking back on her high school years, Kaitlyn will miss the social events including Homecoming and sitting in the student section. She will also miss her teachers and advisors and the support they gave her, and she wants those people to know they are the reasons she is pursuing journalism and political science in the future. Kaitlyn is proud of her ability to advocate for herself and how she found the love for learning, helping others, and telling people's stories. She encourages the Class of 2021 to embrace every single moment they are given because those moments go by fast. Congratulations, Kaitlyn!

Aya Bellaoui is the daughter of Samira Otmane and Khalid Bellaoui. Aya is graduating as Valedictorian of Battle High School and will be attending either Southern Methodist University or UCLA in the fall to study Biological Sciences with the intent to become an Orthopedic Surgeon in the future. Aya hopes to continue on with her passions of competitive cheer, soccer, and acting at the collegiate level. She also hopes to study abroad, comparing heathcare around the world and collaborating with Project Hope in order to one day be actively invovled in resolving heathcare emergencies in third-world countries and low-income communities. Of the numerous activities Aya was involved in during her time at BHS, some of her favorites were Varsity Cheer, Spartan Ambassadors, Rotary Interact Club, HOSA, Youth Kindness Ambassadors, and TEDX, where she was a speaker her freshman year and the host her senior year. Aya is proud to say she was the first student from BHS to participate in Rotary Youth Exchange, which sent her to Normandy, France for her junior year and allowed her to develop a diverse international family and permanent, loving relationships. Looking back on her high school years, Aya is most proud of how she overcame many of life's most bitter lemons, including being an immigrant who knew nothing about this land 11 years ago, mental disorders, as well as with various family and health conflicts that she had to battle along her path. High school was not easy for Aya, but she now stands tall with a perfect GPA, an extraordianry resume, and a bright future ahead of her. Aya encourages the Class of 2021 to get a move on and to not wait for opportunities to come to them. She encourages future seniors to use their senior year as their chance to achieve great things. Congratulations, Aya!

Mary Kate Bordenkircher is the daughter of Tim and Shelley Bordenkircher. Mary Kate is graduating form Battle High School and will be participating in a "3+4" program at Missouri University of Science and Technology in with the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. She will major in Biology and minor in Chemistry. During her time at BHS, Mary Kate's favorite acticity was playing Lacrosse, and she will miss her teammates, along with the teachers she's been with for the past four years, the most. In addition to Lacrosse, Mary Kate is proud to have represented her school in her involvement in JCL and Math Team. She encourages the Class of 2021 to avoid procrastination and to not let Senioritis get the best of them. She urges future seniors to start applying to college and for scholarships early. Congratulations, Mary Kate!

Grace Clemons is the daughter of Ted and Billye Clemens. Grace is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Moberly Area Community College in the fall through the A+ program. During her time at BHS, Grace was involved in art, marching band, prom committee, and ran track. Grace got first place in a Jefferson City track meet, had art pieces entered into an art show, and received many medals in marching band. When looking back on her high school years, she will miss her friends who she never got to say a proper "goodbye" to, and she is proud of how involved she was at BHS. Grace encourages the Class of 2021 to ask for forgiveness rather than permission and to enjoy their time as long as they're meeting the requirements. She also wants the community to know that, for a lot of kids, school is an outlet and a place to get away from home. That outlet was abuptly taken away from her class, along with senior events including prom, graduation, senior skip day, and senior pranks. Although BHS seniors had their senior sunrise, they will not get to experience their senior sunset. Congratulations, Grace!

Will Doolady is the son of Troy and Michele Doolady. Will is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Columbia College in the fall to study Sports Management and Business and play Lacrosse. During his time at BHS, will played Midfield and Attack for the Battle-Hickman Lacrosse team, and he has also been involved in Scouting since 4th grade. After discovering his love for Lacrosse his junior year, Will was able to attend a lacrosse clinic on the east coast with one of his favorite professional players, as well as attend the championship game of the inaugral season of the Premier Lacrosse League in Philidelphia last fall. After those experienes, Will immersed himself into the sport, which helped him decide what he wanted to pursue as a career. In addition to being recruited to play Lacrosse at the collegiate level, Will is proud to have achieved the A Honor Roll and earned the rank of Eagle Scout his senior year, where he was able to work with the Boys and Girls Club of Columbia for his Eagle Project. Looking back on his high school years, Will will most miss seeing his friends Nick and Nevin at school, but the three plan to set off on a cross country camping road trip this summer, a trip that has been in the making for several years. Congratulations, Will!

Caleb Joshua Foster is the son of Teresa Foster. Caleb is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall where he will be playing tennis, and he also wants to join a band. During his time at BHS, Caleb played tennis, which is what he will miss the most about high school, along with seeing people in the hall. Caleb was also named a National Merit Finalist and is proud of how he didn't lose his mind over the years. Caleb encourages the Class of 2021 to put themselves first; to secure their own well-being and then start thinking about helping others do the same. Congratulations, Caleb!

Mason Gardner is the son of David and Mindy Gardner. Mason is graduating from Battle High School and will be taking a gap year to pursue personal interest and goals that he is currently working towards. He will also use this time to travel and immerse himself in life experiences and in service to others. Mason is a proud Eagle Scout and is happy that he got to spend his senior year with his friends at BHS. His favorite activities in high school was being able to attend the basketball and football games and to share these experiences with his friends. What he will miss the most about high school is hanging out with close friends and just being a kid. Mason wants to encourage the Class of 2021 to have no regrets and to follow their dreams. Congratulations, Mason!

Kathryn Hosey is the daughter of Jessica and Craig Hosey. Kat is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design to study Illustration. During her time at BHS, Kat played softball and was a member of the 2018 Missouri Scholars Academy. When looking back on her high school years, she is proud of the grades she made in her AP classes and she will miss Columbia dearly. Kat encourages the Class of 2021 to avoid falling behind. Congratulations, Kat!

Karla Jacqueline Lopez is the daughter of Carlos Lopez and Elizabeth Contreras. Karla is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Lincoln University in the fall to study Nursing on a Pre-Med track. After Linoln, Karla plans to apply to medical school and become an Anesthesiologist in the future. During her time in high school, Karla ran Track and Cross Country, and she made a lot of friends through the sport, especially during her time running at RBHS. Karla is proud to have won a second place medal in the 800m run when competing for RBHS, and she wants to thank Coach Blackburn for his coaching and the words he told her right before that winning race. When Karla found out she was pregnant her junior year, many people told her she wouldn't graduate high school or go to college. Now, Karla is proving everyone and herself that she can do those things and more. Karla's grit has been evident since the beginning of her daughter's life, when she was induced two weeks early, right before school ended for the summer, and had to have a C-section. She then had her mom drive her to school to take her last final even though she was still fealing from surgery with a new baby girl at home. Karla's next goal is to graduate college, and she knows her daughter will keep her striving until she accomplishes that goal. Karla encourages the Class of 2021 to never give up, even when people in this world say negative things. She urges future classes to not listen to those people, and to keep the people who want them to succeed in their life. Congratulations, Karla!

Hayden Charles Kean is the son of Zach and Stacy Kean. Hayden is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Westminster College in the fall to study Biology on a Pre-Med track while playing football. During his time at BHS, Hayden was involved in football and Marching Band all four years, and he is also scuba certified. Looking back on his high school years, Hayden will miss playing football for BHS along with all the friendships he has made, and he encourages the Class of 2021 to make sure to do their work and to try not to wait until the last minute to get things done. Congratulations, Hayden!

Maria Macias-Yanez is the daughter of Dena and Kevin. Maria is graduating from Battle High School and will be pursuing employment in the fall to save up money to be able to go to college in the near future. During her time at BHS, Maria's favorite activities were archery, art, and sewing. Maria is proud to be the first in her family to finish all four years of high school and of the experiences she has had that have shaped her into the person she is today. When looking back on her high school years, Maria will miss the friends she has made along the way and the teachers she has connected with, and she recognizes that, although they may go their separate ways, she will always remember where she started and who was there for her through it all. Maria wants the Class of 2021 to know that her class did it, so they can too, and that they have the power to change the future the way they want to. She urges future seniors to not stop making their dreams happen and to not let life's hiccups make them lose focus. Maria leaves the Class of 2021 with the words of Dylan Thomas, "do not go gentle into that goodnight. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Congratulations, Maria!

Emily Kay Nowack is the daughter of Marcella and Kevin Nowack. Emily is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Columbia College in the fall to study Forensic Science. After college, Emily hopes to work at the Crime Laboratory in Jefferson City. During her time at BHS, Emily's favorite activities were photography and Colorguard, where she won a gold medal at the 2019 MCCGA Championships. She is proud of how she was able to balance her grades, work, and social life in high school, and she will miss all of her friends who are attending college out of state. Emily wants the Class of 2021 to know they don't have have everything figured out yet. Congratulations, Emily!

Brooke Painter is the daughter of Clinton and Laurie Painter. Brooke is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall to study Nursing. During her time at BHS, Brooke was a member of Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and National Honor Society, and she is proud of how she was able to be involved in her school through clubs while maintaining a good GPA. Looking back on her high school years, Brooke will miss all the little moments she made, including football games, club meetings, and simply getting to see and talk to her friends every day. She encourages the Class of 2021 to always try to turn in their work on time, but, more importantly, spend as much time with their friends as they can, cherishing every moment they have with them. Congratulations, Brooke!

Jenna Pearman is the child of Renee and Chris Pearman. Jenna is graduating from Battle High School and will be dual enrolled at Moberly Area Community College and the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall. While at BHS, Jenna was a member of show choir and the varsity soccer team. Jenna is proud of the ability to push through hard times, including times like these where Jenna is separated from friends and family. Jenna encourages the Class of 2021 to like everyday like its the last because they may never know when the last day will be. Congratulations, Jenna!

Amara Reichert is the daughter of Sara and Matt Reichert. Amara is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Central Methodist University in the fall where she will be majoring in Biology and minoring in Chemistry. During her time at BHS, Amara was a wrestler and ran track and field, and she will continue her athletic career at CMU. Additionally, Amara was the first female BHS wrestler to place at state, and she is proud to have been a member of the school's first girls' wrestling team. Looking back on her high school years, Amara will miss her teachers, coaches, and friends, and encourages the Class of 2021 to keep up on their grades and classwork and to work hard towards their goals. Congratulations, Amara!

Micah Stevens is the son of Donna Brandt and Jeff Stevens. Micah is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Concordia University Wisconsin in the fall where he will be majoring in Athletic Training while running Cross Country and Track. Micah plans to become an Athletic Trainer at a college or university and work with athletes in the future. During his time at BHS, Micah ran Cross Country and Track, and he will miss the meets, along with Friday night football games and his friends, the most. Looking back on his high school years, Micah is most proud of his athletic accomplishments, including qualifying for state in Cross Country and signing to run in college. Micah encourages the Class of 2021 to enjoy every moment and to not look too far ahead at any given time. Congratulations, Micah!

Colten Stone is the son of Tillie and Craig Stone. Colten is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Moberly Area Community College for two years and then transferring to the University of Missouri-Columbia or Northwest Missouri State University to pursue a degree in Special Education. During his time at BHS, Colten was a involved in National Honor Society, volunteered for the A+ program, served as an editor for the school newspaper, a staff member for the school yearbook, ran track, and played football, and he hopes to talk onto whichever school's football team he attends after MACC. Colten is a three-time district champion in both football and track as a team, and he is the reciepient of the Jon Dinter Award in football as well as an Honor Roll student. Looking back on his high school years, Colten is proud of making it through and of the person he has become, and he will miss all the amazing people he met throughout his journey. He encourages the Class of 2021 to treat every school day, every class, every lunch period, and every extracurricular activity as if it is their last, and he leaves future senior with his football coach's common words, "treat this game as it is your last." Colten wants the community to know that if he chooses to come back to work for Columbia Public Schools, he promises to try and be the best Special Education teacher he can be. Congratulations, Colten!

Felicity Story is the daughter of Mathew and Kristi Story. Felicity is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia and Moberly Area Community College in the fall through the MizzouMACC program. She will major in Biomedical Science and minor in Music Performance at Mizzou and will major in General Medicine at MACC. During her time at BHS, Felicity was a member of choir and show choir, which gave her the friends and memories she will miss the most about high school. She encourages the Class of 2021 to join choir or show choir if they can during their final year of high school. Congratulations, Felicity!

Ethan West is the son of Ernest and Brandy West. Ethan is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending a two-year college in the fall. Ethan enjoyed and will miss all of the extracurriculars and activities he was involved in while at BHS. Ethan is proud that he will be receiving a high school diploma, and he encourages the Class of 2021 to get in there and get it done, but to also have fun. Congratulations, Ethan!

Immanuel Marika White is the daughter of Niina and Christopher Prince. Marika is graduating from Battle High School and will be attending Moberly Area Community College in the fall and then will move on to the University of Missouri-Columbia, with the intent become a social worker in the future. During her time at BHS, Marika played rugby, and her friends are what she will miss the most about her high school years. Marika encourages the Class of 2021 to keep up their grades and work hard. Congratulations, Marika!